A stylish tribute to Disney’s first sequel of an animated film, this Loungefly Disney Rescuers Down Under Mini Backpack features the cast in fantastic straight-from-the-movie action poses. At the top of the backpack, Cody rides Marahute the Eagle, while the front of the lower pouch features Bernard holding tight to Bianca as they swing across a chasm, while Jake poses confidently below, boomerang in hand. Joanna, Percival’s wicked lizard, also makes an appearance in profile along the back edge.
Made from durable vegan leather, this licensed mini Rescuers Down Under backpack features the iconic Loungefly Disney metal plaque, embroidered pattern details along the outside edges, and a colorful “allover” pattern poly lining with element symbols and the “Rescuers Down Under” logo.
- This Disney by Loungefly mini backpack measures approximately 11” high, 9” wide, and 5” front-to-back.
- Adjustable straps ensure a comfortable wearing experience; design features two slip side pockets, 1 interior zip pocket, and 1 exterior zip pocket in addition to the bag’s open interior space.
- DBK1290
Inventory Last Updated: Sep 14, 2024